Sunday, August 1, 2010

Do You Need an Engagement Photo Session?

One of the popular wedding-related trends to come out in recent years is the engagement photo session. It's a more expanded version of the wedding announcement portraits of the past, wherein couples would include just one picture to go with their wedding announcement in the newspaper. Gone are the days when a couple will simply schedule a photo session in a studio to have their formal engagement portrait taken. Today, the engagement photo session is a major production, involving a picturesque location, a number of poses and outfit changes, and even props, should the fancy take the couple.

When you see some wonderful engagement photos out there, no doubt it makes you think that it might be fun to have some taken as well. You start imagining what kind of shots and poses you can do, and if the two of you can dress up or wear some funny hats or glasses, and then even start planning the whole tone of the shoot.

But wait. You suddenly realize that you have a budget to stick to and that an engagement photo session might put a crimp in your funds, making you wonder if you really need an engagement photo shoot or not.

An engagement photo session is not really a must-have, but a good-to-have. Admittedly, an engagement photo session can be an added expense for a couple on a budget. However, there are certain advantages to having an engagement photo shoot.

Are the two of you shy in front of a camera? An engagement shoot will help you feel at ease when interacting with each other in front of a photographer. A lot of people freeze up in front of a camera once the camera is in their faces. The last thing you want to happen is for the two of you to freeze up with forced smiles on your actual wedding day. A photojournalist approach can only take you so far on your wedding day. You will need to pose and smile for the camera at certain times during the day.

In addition, engagement sessions are generally more laid-back than weddings. The day of your wedding will basically be bedlam, with lots of guests milling around and a schedule to follow. An engagement photo shoot can serve as a fun, relaxing day off from planning your wedding for the two of you. It lets you loosen up, have fun and enjoy each other before the madness of wedding planning fully kicks into high gear.

Finally, you can think of this shoot as a way to commemorate and celebrate your engagement and your love. It preserves some wonderful memories and the pictures will be ones that you will be looking at for years down the line. If capturing the time when the two of you are heading down the road to marriage is important to you, then an engagement shoot is definitely something you should consider and would be good to have.

The Perfect Touch Photography is a Miramar, FL based photographer that is all about the love, capturing nothing but the most precious moments--weddings, birthdays, and other special events--and people (even your pets!) in your life. Visit their website to learn more about their services and great packages to suit your needs: THE PERFECT TOUCH, LLC.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Beauty Tips for Aspiring Models and Brides To-Be

All brides want to their best on their wedding day. If you are getting married soon, follow these simple makeup and skincare tips to beat the heat and look beautiful at your summer wedding.

One of Chicago's top wedding makeup artists Elise Brill, known as Leesi B., shares with SHEKNOWS.COM some hot beauty tips for summer brides. If you are a bride-to-be, these tips from Leesi B. will help you look great on your wedding day.

Go easy on tanning. A dark tan will look harsh in photos; consider a subtle bronzer instead. Most bridal gowns are strapless these days, so beware of acquiring tan lines in the weeks before the wedding.

You don’t need tons of makeup to photograph well, but you do need extra definition. Emphasize and balance your eyes and lips.

Resist the temptation to experiment with new facial treatments and products in the month before the wedding. You may end up with a poorly timed break-out.

Before applying foundation, apply a transparent primer. It will form a barrier between your skin and makeup, so makeup won’t melt off in the heat or seep into your pores.

Consider wearing artificial lashes to define your eyes, especially if you’re over 30 (lashes start thinning as women mature). But be sure they’re applied with waterproof glue, so they won’t “shed” if you cry or perspire.

Do your hair before makeup. Blow dryers can wreak havoc on a freshly made-up face.

Avoid trendy eye shadows; they make photos look dated later. Leesi recommends placing a wash of frosted color on the lid, with matching matte color on the brow.

To make lips stand out, choose a slightly — just slightly — darker lipstick than usual.

Unless your teeth are very white, avoid coral and orange shades; yellow tones in lipstick makes teeth look yellow as well.

Take a few days off from makeup before the wedding; give your skin a rest.

Sleep, sleep, sleep (if you can)! Nothing helps your skin more.

No matter what your budget is, invest in a good photographer. This is one component of your wedding that will last beyond one day.


Of course looking picture perfect on your wedding day isn't just about your makeup routine. You need to start good skincare habits well in advance of your weddings.

Reduce your intake of sugar, alcohol and salt. Sugar molecules can hook on to collagen fibers, causing your face to look wrinkled and saggy. Alcohol can cause a blotchy complexion and swollen skin. And salt causes the body to retain water, leading to puffiness.

Eat plenty of foods that are rich in antioxidants, which are great for your skin. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to clean and hydrate your skin from the inside out.

Develop a regular skincare routine that includes a cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Exfoliate your skin at least once a month. You can also consider microdermabrasion treatments a month or more prior to your wedding to really rejuvenate skin.

PLANNING A WEDDING but havent decided on a photographer yet? Call THE PERFECT TOUCH PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC. TODAY to schedule a FREE consultation and let us capture your most special moments the way you'd love to remember them for the rest of your life! Our number is (954) 579-2018.

For more beauty and style tips log onto to SHEKNOWS.COM

Friday, July 9, 2010

Picking the PERFECT Wedding Dress

Perhaps the biggest worry of a bride-to-be, is picking out the perfect wedding gown. There are many questions you need to ask yourself before you ever step foot inside a bridal shop. Below are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself before making this big decision.

How much are you willing to spend?

The truth of the matter is, your wedding dress is only a fraction of the total cost of a wedding. Before you go picking out a dress, you first need to decide how much out of your "whole" budget you are willing to spend on the dress. There are many great looking gowns out there for a very reasonable cost, as well as beautiful gowns which can cost as much as most peoples entire wedding. Depending on the designer and material the cost can vary greatly. You need to know your limit, and shop within it.

What will you be wearing with the gown?

The dress is only part of your total appearance on your wedding day. You need to decide what else you will be wearing. Accessories such as, vale, shoes, jewelry etc, are all contributing factors when choosing your perfect dress. Your gown and accessories should all flow together in a beautiful piece.


There are many amazing styles out there right now. Some brides choose to go with classic looks that have stood the tests of time, while others want a more contempory style. Your gown should fit within the theme of your wedding. If you are going for a very traditional theme, you gown should be very conservative and fit within that theme. For some great ideas on picking the style that's right for you check out.

Once these key questions are answered you are ready to take the plunge into the extremely beautiful world of shopping for wedding dresses. One of the biggest mistakes new brides make is letting their mother-in-law, big brother, or sales clerk choose their dress for them. The bottom line is, "you" have to decide whether-or-not a particular dress is right for you. Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the greatest days of your life. Everything is supposed to be just perfect, so don't settle for just any dress. Choose one that is right for you in every way. Don't forget you need to get the right lingerie, shoes and jewelry, to go with your beautiful wedding dress, but that is for another time.

Ultimately, the wedding dress you choose should compliment you, make you feel absolutely beautiful, and make you really stand out on your special day - so it's not an easy decision to make, but if you follow these tips, you will find the perfect wedding dress for yourself at a reasonable price.

For a FREE consultation with a professional photographer call THE PERFECT TOUCH PHOTOGRAPHY at (954) 579-2018 and ask for Rich Ramos. You can also visit us on the web by clicking on the following link: PERFECT WEDDING PICS where you will have access to a variety of samples showcasing the quality of our work. We welcome the opportunity to capture your most cherished moments with the "perfect touch" and thank you for visiting our blog!

Headshots: Picking the Right Photographer

While it is ultimately your acting that will land you a job, your headshot serves as a calling card to get you in the door. Without a headshot, you will be stuck "sitting on the bench" and will not be considered for important roles.

The key to getting a good headshot is picking the right photographer. Having your shots taken by a friend will simply not do. People will equate the level of professionalism in your headshot with your level of professionalism as an actor. Therefore, an amateur photographer will ultimately make you look like an amateur actor.

That is not to say that any professional photographer will do. You want to be sure that your photographer has experience in taking headshots. Not only will this help them take the best shots but it will also help you avoid making amateur mistakes. Not just any professionally taken photo is a headshot. The photo must capture your look and your personality. The goal of the photo is to capture your look and personality at their best. However the photo should accurately represent your look and personality.

It is essential to pick the right photographer because you are going to have to invest a lot of money for great headshots. Don't be fooled by fancier studios with extremely high prices, but also avoid huge bargains. They can result in an unprofessional, "bargain basement" look. This may seem like a heavy price for headshots but remember, like in any other business, you will encounter startup costs. Your headshots should last you two years, so consider them as a major investment for starting your career.

When meeting with prospective photographers, feel free to ask questions. You should have a rapport with your photographer especially since headshot sessions can last anywhere from two to four hours and maybe even a whole day. You want to trust their judgment, and also trust that they have a feel for your personality so that their photos can best represent you. Also be sure to review their portfolio to see how you feel about some of the headshots they've taken.

Be sure to negotiate how you will receive your headshots before you commit to anything. Some photographers can airbrush your photos for you. This is a probably a good idea unless you're a Photoshop whiz. You should be sure if you will be receiving the original digital files, new digital files, proofs to get reproduced at a head-shot printing company, or physical hard copies. Some photographers offer printing or recommend printing companies. It's up to you if you'd like to spend the extra money.

If you want great headshots you need to pick the right photographer. Like any purchase be sure to do your research, ask questions, and then make an educated decision.

For a FREE consultation with a professional photographer call THE PERFECT TOUCH PHOTOGRAPHY at (954) 579-2018 and ask for Rich Ramos. You can also visit us on the web by clicking on the following link: PERFECT PICS where you will have access to a variety of samples showcasing the quality of our work. We welcome the opportunity to capture your most cherished moments with the "perfect touch" and thank you for visiting our blog!